
发布时间: 2024-11-19
阅读人数: 48

6.3 向终端消费者销售GOTS产品
Before selling GOTS certified and labelled final products to the end consumer, the retailer shallensure that:
在向终端消费者销售被 GOTS 认证、贴有 GOTS 标签的的最终产品时,零售商须确保:
6.3.1 The last operation in the textile supply chain that is obliged to participate in the certificationchain holds a valid Scope Certificate issued by an Approved Certifier:
6.3.1 供应链上的最后一个需要参与认证链的营运环节持有授权认证机构颁发的有效合格证。
a) If the retailer does also have a B2B trade activity with GOTS Goods > 20.000 Euro peryear (e.g. sale to other retailers) and/or (re)packs or (re)labels the GOTS Goods, the retailer shall be certified. In this case the conditions for the certification of traders as detailed in Section 6.1 above apply.
a) 如果该零售商还包括年营业额大于20000欧元的GOTS产品B2B贸易活动(例如销售给其他零售商)以及/或GOTS产品的(再)包装或(再)贴标,该零售商必须获得认证。在这种情况下,适用第6.1节中相应的关于贸易商认证的规则。
b) If the retailer does not have a B2B trade activity (with GOTS Goods > 20.000 Euro per year) and does not (re)pack or (re)label the GOTS Goods and does not directly purchase from a manufacturer, the retailer is exempt from the certification obligation. In this case the retailer shall assure that the seller,from which the retailer purchases the ready packed and labelled GOTS Goods, is GOTS certified (= holds a valid Scope Certificate). If the retailer directly purchases from the manufacturer, he shall ensure that this manufacturer is GOTS certified, if he however purchases from a B2B trader, this B2B trader shall be certified as well.
b) 如果该零售商没有B2B贸易活动(GOTS产品年营业额大于20000欧元),没有对GOTS产品进行(再)包装或(再)贴标并且没有直接从生产商处采购产品,该零售商可以免除认证。在这种情况下,零售商
须确保其所购已包装和贴标的GOTS产品的卖方具备GOTS认证(即持有有效的合格证)。如果零售商直接从制造商那里购买货物,就须确保该制造商被GOTS 认证,如果从B2B贸易商那里购买,那么该B2B贸易商也须被GOTS认证。
6.3.2 The GOTS on-product labelling is correct and complete as described in Sections 5.1 or 5.2 and has been released by the Approved Certifier of the Certified Entity which is applying the GOTS labelling to 
the product. To assure this, the retailer may ask the supplier to provide the form "Labelling Release for GOTS Goods" issued by the supplier's Approved Certifier. This is especially recommended if the retailer provides the content and artwork of the labels, hang tags or packaging on which the GOTS labelling shall be applied.
6.3.2 如第5.1节或第5.2节所述,GOTS在产品上的贴标是正确和完整的,并已由被认证实体的授权认证机构评审并批准,将GOTS标识用于产品上。为确保标识的正确性和完整性,零售商可以要求供应商提供《GOTS产品标识放行审批表》 ,该《放行审批表》由供应商的授权认证机构批准。我们尤其推荐那些自己提供所应用GOTS标识、吊牌或包装上的信息和设计的零售商按照以上要求完成。
6.3.3 An uncertified retailer shall obtain permission to use GOTS Signs from Global Standard gGmbH after submitting ‘Retailer’s Declaration for Use of GOTS Signs’.
6.3.3 未经认证的零售商须向全球标准非盈利公司(Global Standard gGmbH)提交《零售商使用GOTS标志申报书》并获得批准后方可使用GOTS标志。
Further notes:
• By entering the licence number into the ‘free text field’ of the GOTS Certified Suppliers database the corresponding data set of the Certified Entity (as entered by the applicableApproved Certifier) can be 
looked up. If the retailer does not want to disclose the licence number of the certified supplier on its products, it may apply for an own certification. Withgranted certification, the retailer shall receive an own licence number which can then be used for GOTS labelling of its products.
• 在GOTS被认证供应商数据库 ‘free text field’框中输入许可号,可以查询到被认证实体的一系列信息(由相应的授权认证机构输入)。如果零售商不愿在其产品上披露认证供应商的许可号,该零售商可以申请
• As an additional quality assurance measure to ensure that the whole volume of shipmentspurchased from a certified supplier are indeed GOTS certified, an uncertified retailer may request from its supplier to provide Transaction Certificates (TCs), issued by the ApprovedCertifier of the supplier and listing the actual products and shipment details including the buyers name and address and confirming the GOTS certification status. Retailers may decide to make the issuance of TCs for the whole quantity of purchased GOTS Goods a (contractual) condition to each supplier they want to work with in this field.
• 作为确保从被认证供应商处购买的整批货物都确实为GOTS 认证的一项额外质量保证措施,未经认证的零售商可以向其供应商索要交易证( TC),交易证由供应商的授权认证机构开具,列明实际的产品和发货细节, 包括各个买家的名称和地址,并且确认 GOTS 认证的状态。零售商可以决定将为所购全部 GOTS产品开具 TC 作为与每个供应商合作的前提条件(合同条款)。
• To reiterate GOTS’ requirements from Section 5.1 : According to the criterion given in Section 1.4 of GOTS, use of GOTS Signs on GOTS Goods sold in retail is mandatory.
• 第5.1节的GOTS要求重申:GOTS标准1.4节准则规定,通过零售渠道销售的GOTS产品必须标注GOTS标志。

上一章: GOTS认证咨询-深入剖析GOTS认证机构之人员能力建设与业务公正性规范
下一章: GOTS认证咨询-对用GOTS标识销售或宣传GOTS产品的公司要求
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