
发布时间: 2024-07-19
阅读人数: 6

2.7. GOTS标志和标识条件
2.7.1. GOTS将标签细分为两个等级。其区别仅在于要求认证产品中含有的“有机”或“有机转换”材料的最小百分比不同。
2.7.2 Labelling products as 'Organic in-conversion' is only possible if the organic standard, on which the certification of the fibre production is based, permits such labelling for the fibre in question.
2.7.2. 只有当纤维生产所依据的有机标准允许该纤维标识为“有机转换”的前提下,才能将产品标识为“有机转换”。
2.7.3 Only textile goods (finished or intermediate) produced in compliance with GOTS by a Certified Entity and certified by an Approved Certifier may be labelled, represented, advertised, or sold as GOTS Goods. 
2.7.3. 被认证实体只有对依据GOTS标准生产的且经过了被授权认证机构认证的纺织品(终产品或中间产品)可作为GOTS产品标识、展示、宣传或销售。
2.7.4 Application of GOTS Signs shall always contain the following specifications:
2.7.4. GOTS标志的使用应始终包含以下规范:
a. One of the following two label grades:
a. 符合以下其中一个标签等级:下列两个标签等级之一
- "organic" or "Organic in-conversion"
- “有机”或“有机转换”
- "made with (x%) organic materials" or "made with (x%) Organic in-conversion materials"
- “由(x%)有机材料制成”或“由(x%)有机转换材料制成”
b. The GOTS Logo
b. GOTS标志
c. A reference to the Approved Certifier who certified the GOTS Goods
c. 提及对GOTS产品实施认证的被授权认证机构
d. The license number of the Certified Entity
d. 被认证实体的许可号
2.7.5 "Organic" or "Organic in-conversion" label grades shall be no less than 95% (≥95%) of the fibre content of the products (excluding Accessories). 
2.7.5. “有机”或“有机转换”标签等级应为产品(不含辅料)中“有机”或“有机转换”纤维含量不低于95%(≥95%)。
2.7.6 "Made with (x%) organic materials" or "made with (x%) Organic in-conversion materials" label grades shall be no less than 70% (≥70%) of the fibre content of the products (excluding Accessories).
2.7.6. “由(x%)有机材料制成”或“由(x%)有机转换材料制成”的标签等级应为产品(不含辅料)中“有机”或“有机转换”纤维含量不低于70%(≥70%)。
2.7.7 GOTS labelling can only be applied to the product and/or packaging by a Certified Entity and shall have been approved by the Certified Entity's Approved Certifier in advance of its application.
2.7.7. GOTS标识只能由被认证实体应用于产品和/或包装上,且标识在使用前应经过被认证实体的被授权认证机构的审批。
2.7.8 Labelling of GOTS Goods sold in retail is mandatory.
2.7.8. 零售的GOTS产品必须贴标签。
2.7.9 Labelling and advertising of GOTS Goods shall be in compliance with the current document Conditions for the Use of GOTS Signs.
2.7.9. GOTS产品的标识和广告应符合现行文件《GOTS标志的使用条件》。

上一章: GRS认证辅导|申请认证的产品涉及的原料供应链必须提供SC复印件
下一章: GOTS认证咨询|高级管理层需承担监督与尽职调查的责任
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