
发布时间: 2024-07-19
阅读人数: 5

4. 环境、社会和治理准则

4.1 Due Diligence Management Process 

4.1. 尽职调查管理流程

4.1.1 The Certified Entity shall engage into a responsible business conduct. GOTS Chemical Input Criteria, GOTS Environmental Criteria, GOTS Human Rights and Social Criteria, and GOTS Governance Criteria shall be implemented through the due diligence process. This process shall be commensurate with the risk and appropriate to a specific Certified Entity’s circumstances and context. As provided by OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible business conduct and OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector the following six steps framework shall be followed by the Certified Entity when conducting due diligence process:

4.1.1. 被认证实体应参与负责任的商业行为。应通过尽职调查流程实施《化学品投入物准则》、GOTS环境准则、GOTS人权与社会责任准则、以及GOTS治理准则。该流程应与风险相匹配,并适合特定的被认证实体的情况和背景。根据《OECD负责任的商业行为尽职调查指南》和《OECD服装和鞋类行业负责任的供应链尽职调查指南》规定,被认证实体开展尽职调查流程时应遵守以下六步法框架:

i. The Certified Entity shall embed its due diligence process into its policies and management systems,
i. 被认证实体应将其尽职调查流程加入其政策和管理体系中;

ii. The Certified Entity shall identify actual or potential adverse impacts associated with the Certified Entity’s operation, 
ii. 被认证实体应识别与被认证实体经营相关的实际或潜在不利影响;

iii. The Certified Entity shall cease, prevent or mitigate adverse impacts, 
iii. 被认证实体应中止、预防或减轻负面影响;

iv. The Certified Entity shall track implementation and results, 
iv. 被认证实体应跟踪实施情况和结果;

v. The Certified Entity shall communicate how impacts are addressed; and 
v. 被认证实体应传达如何应对影响;并且

vi. The Certified Entity shall enable remediation when appropriate.
vi. 适当时,被认证实体应能够实施补救措施。

4.1.2 The requirement to conduct due diligence process applies to all GOTS Certified Entities. Nevertheless, when assessing whether this requirement is met the size, operational context, ownership and structure of the Certified Entity may be taken into account.

4.1.2. 开展尽职调查流程的要求适用于所有GOTS被认证实体。但是,评估是否满足本要求时,可考虑被认证实体的规模、经营环境、所有权和结构。

4.1.3 The Certified Entity shall continuously implement due diligence so that it can show progressive improvement over time. 

4.1.3. 被认证实体应持续实施尽职调查,以便能随时间做出逐步改善。

4.1.4 The Certified Entity shall adopt a Policy on Responsible Business Conduct that articulates Certified Entity’s commitments to responsible business conduct in its own operations and in its supply chain.

4.1.4. 被认证实体应采纳《负责任的商业行为政策》,阐明被认证实体对于其自身经营和供应链中的负责任的商业行为做出的承诺。

4.1.5 The Certified Entity shall strengthen its management systems to conduct due diligence in Certified Entity’s own operation and in its supply chain.

4.1.5. 被认证实体应加强其管理体系,对其自身经营和供应链开展尽职调查。

4.1.6 The Certified Entity shall assign oversight and responsibility for due diligence to relevant senior management and assign board-level responsibilities for implementing the Policy on Responsible Business Conduct. The Certified Entity shall regularly provide the responsible person(s) with training on all relevant topics including those related to human and labour rights.

4.1.6. 被认证实体应将监督和尽职调查的责任分配给相关高级管理层,并分配董事会层面的责任,以实施《负责任的商业行为政策》。被认证实体应定期为负责人提供人权和劳动权等所有相关课题的培训。

4.1.7 The Certified Entity shall allocate adequate support and resources to conduct due diligence process and implement the Policy on Responsible Business Conduct. 

4.1.7. 被认证实体应为尽职调查流程的开展以及《负责任的商业行为政策》的实施提供足够的支持和资源。

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