
阅读人数: 21

B2.5 Health and safety 
B2.5 健康和安全
Provisions under Health and Safety shall be further defined to cater for specific conditions and related hazards pertaining to different industries, in accordance with the relevant applicable Health & Safety principles: 
B2.5a Certified Organizations shall provide safe and clean conditions in all work and residential facilities and shall establish and follow a clear set of procedures regulating occupational health and safety. 
Emergency procedures shall be clearly displayed and understandable to all workers, and hazards shall be clearly marked. 
B2.5a 认证组织应在所有工作和住宅设施中提供安全、清洁的环境,并建立和遵循一套明确的职业健康和安全规程。应对所有工作人员明确说明应急程序,明确规定危险程度。
B2.5b Certified Organizations shall take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. Appropriate and effective personal protective equipment shall be provided as needed. 
B2.5b 认证组织应采取适当措施,防止在工作过程中产生、相关联或出现的事故和健康损害,尽可能在合理并切实可行的情况下减少工作环境中固有的危险因素。必要时应提供适当和有效的个人防护装备。
B2.5c Certified Organizations shall provide access to adequate medical assistance and facilities. This shall include appropriate first aid (trained staff, adequate equipment and supplies) provided on-site. 
Management shall have procedures in place to give workers access to medical assistance in case of emergency. Management shall respect national law on medical assistance and first aid. In case of a work-related accident the employer should be responsible to ensure that the worker gets medical assistance; this may mean insurance to cover potential costs. 
B2.5c 认证组织应提供足够的医疗援助和设施。包括为现场提供适当的应急救援(训练有素的工作人员,足够的设备和用品)。管理层应建立遇到紧急情况时给予工作人员医疗援助的规程。管理层应尊重国家有关医疗援助和急救的法律。如果发生与工作有关的事故,雇主应负责确保工人得到医疗援助;这可能意味着需要利用保险来弥补潜在的成本。
B2.5d Certified Organizations shall provide all workers with access to clean toilet facilities and to drinkable water and, if applicable, sanitary facilities for food preparation and storage.
B2.5d 认证组织应向所有工人提供清洁的厕所设施和饮用水,以及合适的食品准备和储存卫生设施。
B2.5e Certified Organizations shall ensure that residential facilities for workers, where provided, are clean and safe. 
B2.5e 认证组织应确保提供的工人住宅设施清洁安全。
B2.5f Certified Organizations shall assign the responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative. 
B2.5f 认证组织应将健康安全责任分配给高级管理人员。
B2.5g Certified Organizations shall provide regular and recorded health and safety training to workers and management, and such training shall be repeated for all new or reassigned workers and management. Relevant training will depend on the operations and level of risk to health and safety. 
B2.5g 认证组织应对工人和管理层进行定期健康和安全培训,并做记录,对所有新的或重新分配的工作人员和管理层应重复进行此类培训。相关培训将取决于健康和安全风险的运行和水平。
B2.5h Certified Organizations shall provide adequate safeguards against fire, and shall ensure the strength, stability and safety of buildings and equipment, including residential facilities where provided. 
B2.5h 认证组织应提供充分的防火保障,确保建筑物和设备(包括提供的住宅设施)的强度、稳定性和安全性。
B2.5i Certified Organizations shall undertake sufficient training of workers and management in waste management, handling and disposal of chemicals and other dangerous materials. 
B2.5i 认证组织应对化学品和其他危险物质的废物管理、处理和处置工作进行充分的培训和管理。
B2.6 Wages, benefits and terms of employment 
B2.6 工资、福利和就业条件
B2.6a Work performed shall be on the basis of a recognized employment relationship established in compliance with national legislation and practice and international labor standards; whichever affords the greater protection. 
B2.6a 所执行的工作应以符合国家立法和惯例、国际劳工标准确定的认可雇佣关系为依据;以其中可提供更大保护者为准。
B2.6b Labor-only contracting, sub-contracting or home-working arrangements, apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment, excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment, or any comparable arrangements shall not be used to avoidobligations to workers under labor or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship 
B2.6b 只有劳动合同、转包或家庭工作安排,没有真正意图传授技能或提供定期工作的学徒计划,过度使用定期劳动合同或任何类似安排,不得用于避免遵守正常就业关系应有的劳动或社会保障法律法规。
B2.6c Certified Organizations shall compensate their workers by providing wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave which respectively meet or exceed legal minimum and/or industry benchmark standards and/or collective agreements, whichever is higher. Wages and compensation for regular working hours shall meet basic needs and provide some discretionary income for workers and their families. 
B2.6c 认证组织应当通过提供达到或超过法定最低和/或行业基准标准和/或集体协议(以较高者为准)的工资、加班费、福利和带薪假,对其工人进行补偿,以其中较高者为准。工资和正常工作时间的补偿应满足基本需要,为工人及其家属提供一定的可自由支配收入。
B2.6d Certified Organizations shall provide all workers with written and understandable information about their employment conditions, including wages, before they enter into employment; and about details of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid. 
B2.6d 在就业之前,认证组织应当向所有工作人员提供有关就业条件(包括工资)的书面和可理解的信息;以及每次支付有偿工资的细节。

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