
阅读人数: 15

2 准则
2.1 有机纤维的生产要求
Approved are natural fibres that are certified 'organic' or 'organic - in conversion' according to any standard approved in the IFOAM Family of Standards for the relevant scope of production (crop or animal production), such as Regulation (EC) 834/2007, USDA National Organic Program (NOP), APEDA’s National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP), China Organic Standard GB/ T19630. The certification body shall have a valid and recognised accreditation for the standard it certifies against. Recognised accreditations are ISO 
17065 accreditation, NOP accreditation and IFOAM accreditation.
接受依据欧盟法规(EC)834/2007、美国农业部(USDA)国家有机工程标准(NOP)、印度农产品和加工食品出口发展局(APEDA)的国家有机生成工程标准(NPOP)、中国国家有机标准 GB/T19630 等国际有机农业运动联盟(IFOAM )标准体系认可的任何与生产(作物种植或动物养殖)相关的标准认证的“有机”或“有机转换”天然纤维。认证机构应具有开展该标准认证的有效的公认认证资格。公认的认证有 ISO17065 认证、NOP 认证和 IFOAM 认证。
Certifying of products as 'organic - in conversion' is only possible, if the standard on which the certification of the fibre production is based, permits such a certification for the fibre in question. Conversion status of fibres shall be stated as specified in Section 1.4. of this Standard.
纤维的转换性质应根据本标准第 1.4 节要求进行描述。
2.2 纤维原料的成分要求
2.2.1 Products sold, labelled or represented as "organic" or "organic -in conversion"
2.2.1 以“有机”或“有机转换”名义进行销售、标识或推介的产品
No less than 95% (≥95%) of the fibre content of the products - excluding accessories - shall be of certified organic origin or from 'in conversion' period (identified and labelled as specified inSections 1.4 and 2.1 of thisStandard). Up to 5% (≤5%) of the fibre content of the products may be made of non-organic fibres that are 
listed under 'additional fibre materials' in Section 2.4.9. The percentage figures refer to the weight of the fibre content of the products at normal conditions. No fibres shall be used which originate from production projects with regard to which there is evidence of a persistent pattern of gross violations of the ILO core labour norms (as far as these are relevant for agriculture) and/or of animal welfare principles or irrefutable evidence of a persistent pattern of land grabbing methods.
产品中不少于 95%(≥95%)的纤维(不含辅料)应是来源于经过认证的有机原料或来源于“转换” 期的原料(根据本标准第 1.4 节、第 2.1 节的说明来识别和标识)。产品中可含有第 2.4.9 节“其余纤维原料”中所列的非有机纤维,但含量最多不可超过 5%(≤5%)。百分比数字表示标准条件下产品所含纤维的重量。纤维应不能来自于有证据表明存在严重违反国际劳工组织核心劳工规范(就农业而言)和/动物福利原则的农场,或有证据明确证据证明农场的生产有持续性的土地抢占模式。
2.2.2 Products sold, labelled or represented as "made with x % organic materials" or "made with x % organic – in conversion materials"
2.2.2 以“由 x%有机原料制成”或“由 x%有机转换原料制成”名义进行销售、标识或推介的产品
No less than 70% (≥70%) of the fibre content of the products - excluding accessories - shall be of certified organic origin or from 'in conversion' period (identified and labelled as specified in Sections 1.4 and 2.1 of this Standard). Up to 30% (≤30%) of the fibre content of the products may be made of non-organic fibres that are listed under 'additional fibre materials' in Section2.4.9. The percentage figures refer to the weight of the fibre content of the products at normal conditions. No fibres shall be used which originate from production projects with regard to which there is evidence of a persistent pattern of gross violations of the ILO core labour norms (as far as these are relevant for agriculture) and/or of animal welfare principles (including Mulesing) or irrefutable evidence of a persistent pattern of land grabbing methods.
产品中不少于 70%(≥70%)的纤维(不含辅料)应是来源于经过认证的有机原料或来源于“转换” 期的原料(根据本标准第 1.4 节、第 2.1 节的说明来识别和标识)。产品中可含有第 2.4.9 节“其余纤维原料”中所列的非有机纤维,但含量最多不可超过 30%(≤30%)。百分比数字表示标准条件下产品所含纤维的重量。纤维应不能来自于有证据表明存在严重违反国际劳工组织核心劳工规范(就农业而言)和/动物福利原则(包括割皮防蝇法)的农场,或有证据明确证据证明农场的生产有持续性的土地抢占模式。

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