
发布时间: 2024-12-13
阅读人数: 57

GOTS Section
“The Certified Entity shall develop a plan to cover the Wage Gap and pay the Living Wage to its workers.”
• Systematically share wage gap calculation with buyers, ask them how long it would take to increase prices to cover the wage gap and record their responses.
• 与买家系统性地分享工资差距计算结果,问他们可能需要多长时间涨价才能填补工资差距,并记录他们作出的回应。
• Make a plan (signed by the person(s) authorized to implement the plan). 
• 制定计划(由被授权实施计划者签名)。
• Plan should include an annual obligation to reduce the gap until its complete elimination.
• 计划应该涵盖减少差距直至完全减除的年度义务。
• Plan should take into account that living wages are subject to change due to inflation, taxation and statutory deductions. 
• 计划应考虑基本生活工资将因通货膨胀、课税和法定扣款发生变化。
• Ensure that the plan is based on dialogue with a recognized trade union or, in their absence, elected worker representatives. 
• 确保在与公认的工会交流的基础上制定计划,或如果没有工会,则基于与选举的工人代表交流制定计划。
• Involve buyers that source more than 20% of volume so that you may discuss how they will enable wage improvement.
• 与采购量超过20%的买方交流,从而让您可以探讨他们将如何改善工资。
GOTS 第 4.4.9 节
“Working Time”
• The ILO international framework set up the minimum standards related to working hours to be respected by the Certified Entity in any event. Working hours can also be regulated by national laws,collective bargaining agreements or benchmark industry standards. 
• 国际劳工组织的国际框架制定了与工作时间相关的最低标准,以供被认证实体在任何情况下遵守。也可根据国家法律、集体谈判协议或行业基准调整工作时间。
• The principles on working hours listed in sub-sections 3.9.2 and 3.9.3 are based on the ILO international framework and are the minimum standard to be respected in all cases by the Certified Entity even if national laws, collective bargaining agreements or benchmark industry standards are less protective for the workers. On the other hand, if national laws, collective bargaining agreements or benchmark industry standards are more protective for the workers than the ILO minimum standards, the Certified entity shall apply the set of rules that is most favourable for the workers in terms of working hours, periods of daily or weekly rest and overtime。
• 第3.9.2节和第3.9.3节所列的关于工作时间的原则以国际劳工组织的国际框架为依据,即使国家法律、集体谈判协议或行业基准对工人的保护程度更低,也是获证实体在所有情况下均须遵守的最低标准,。另一方面,如果国家法律、集体谈判协议或行业标准相对国际劳工组织的最低标准而言对工人更具保护性,获证实体则应采纳在工作时间、每日或每周休息和加班时间方面对工人最有利的规定。
o The term “Working hours” means the time during which the persons employed are at the disposal of the Certified Entity; it does not include rest periods during which the persons employed are not at the disposal of the Certified Entity. The principle set up in this sub-section relates to normal hours of work understood as the number of hours that may legally be worked during the day or the week excluding overtime. 
o “工作时间”指被雇佣者由被认证实体支配的时间;不包括被雇佣者不受认证实体支配时的休息时间。本分款制定的原则与法律规定的一天或一周正常工作时间(不包括加班时间)相关。
o The weekly period of rest, shall, wherever possible, (1) be granted simultaneously to all the persons concerned in the certified entity; (2) coincide with the day of the week established as a day of rest by the traditions or customs of the country or district; (3) respect as far as possible the traditions and customs of religious minorities.
o 可能的情况下,每周休息时间(1)同时向被认证实体中牵涉的所有人员同意提供;(2)是相应国家或地区传统习俗休息日;(3)尽可能符合宗教少数民族的传统和习俗。
o Overtime means hours worked in excess of normal hours of work. 
o 加班时间指超出正常工作时间工作的时间。
o Voluntary means that overtime may not be forced, should not be subject to employer’s arbitrariness and needs to be in compliance with national laws. Overtime requirements as enumerated within an employment contract should be considered to be voluntary if it is permitted by and in accordance with national legislation or collectively bargained agreements. 
o 自愿是指加班不是强迫的,雇主不应该恣意妄为,须遵守国家法律规定。如果国家立法或集体谈判协议许可,则应该考虑劳动合同范围中列上加班要求,并且应符合国家立法或因为集体协商协议的规定。
• For part-time employees (employed persons whose normal hours of work are fewer than those of comparable fulltime workers), the restriction of maximum 12 hours per week of overtime is not to be considered, so long as the total number of hours worked in the week is not more than the total (regular + overtime) allowed for full-time employees.
• 对于兼职员工(正常工作时间相对全职工人更短者),不考虑每周加班时间不超过12个小时的限制,只要每周总工作时间不超过全职员工的每周总工作时间(正常工作时间+加班时间)即可。
GOTS 第 4.4.10 节
“No Precarious Employment is Provided”
• The Certified Entity shall ensure that employment relationships do not cause insecurity and social or economic vulnerability for workers. i.e. ensure protection arising from employment relationships and prevent the avoidance of such protection by way or reason of informal employment.
• 被认证实体应确保劳动关系不给工人带来不安全感和社会或经济脆弱性,即确保对劳动关系提供保护,并预防通过非正规就业或以其为由避免提供上述保护。
• The Certified Entity shall, insofar as possible, have written employment agreements expressly setting out the rights and obligations of employees under labour or social security laws and regulations. The work shall be performed based on recognised employment relationships, implicating rights and obligations of employees under labour or social security laws and regulations.
• 可能的情况下,被认证实体应有书面劳动协议明确规定员工在劳动或社会安全法律法规项下的权利和义务。

上一章: GOTS认证咨询-深入剖析GOTS认证机构之人员能力建设与业务公正性规范
下一章: GOTS认证辅导-关于工资福利的要求之从支付标准到生活工资核算及应对策略
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