
发布时间: 2024-09-27
阅读人数: 5

2.0 Validation of the material entering to supply chain 对进入供应链的物料进行确认

2.1 In order to confirm any changes that might affect the availability and authenticity of the supplied products, the organization shall verify the validity and product groups scope of the suppliers. 为确认任何可能影响供货产品的可用性和真实性的变更,组织应验证供应商的有效性和产品组范围。

3.0 Input Inspection 输入验证

3.1 For Claimed Materials entering the supply chain from an outside source, there shall be documentation including the name and address of the supplier, the quantity and description of the goods, reference to claims being made about the material, and any corresponding verification or certification. 对于从外部来源进入供应链的材料:对于进入供应链的材料,应有文件说明供应商的名称和地址,货物的数量和说明,有关该物料的要求以及任何相应的验证或证明。

3.2 Verified Organizations purchasing claimed material shall receive valid TCs that are issued by a CUC. 经过验证的组织采购指定材料,应收到有效的 TCs,由 CUC 签发。

3.3 The Organization shall keep complete and up-to-date records of the description, quantities, origins and/or destinations of all verified products received and delivered as well as all TCs for any incoming verified products. 本组织应保留完整和最新的重要会计记录,包括已收和交付的所有产品的说明,数量,产地和目的地以及任何输入认证产品的 TC。

3.4 A TC shall accompany the verified inputs, confirming they were produced by an Organization verified or an accepted equivalent standard. TC 应同认证产品一起,以确保他们都是由认证组织提供的。

3.5 The Organization shall check the supplier invoice and supporting documents to confirm that the date, quantity, blend percentage and material description all correspond to the transaction certificate


3.6 For verified products received from an internal source: For goods flowing from one production unit to another within the same Organization there shall be corresponding documentation that references the initial Claimed Materials, the quantity, blend percentage, and description of the verified products being received


4.0 Products suspected of not satisfying the requirements of the verification protocol 怀疑不符合验证协议要求的产品

4.1 The Consignee of any claimed and verified material must check the integrity of the packaging or container to verify the origin and nature of the certified products from the information contained in the product marking and corresponding documentation e.g. invoice, bill of lading , TC upon receipt of the certified product

任何要求/认证的材料和认证产品的收货人必须检查包装或容器的完整性,以根据产品标记和相应文档中包含的信息来验证认证产品的来源和性质,例如收到认证产品后的发票,提货单,TC 等。

4.2 When an Organization suspects that any input or product is not in compliance with this verification protocol, the organization shall undertake the following activities:

a. Notify its certification body and all affected direct customers in writing within five business days of the non-conforming product identification, and maintain records of that notice;

b. Analyse causes for occurrence of non-conforming products, and implement measures to prevent their reoccurrence;

c. Cooperate with its certification body in order to allow CUC to confirm that appropriate actions were taken to correct the non-conformity. 当组织怀疑任何输入或产品不符合本验证规程时,组织应进行以下活动:



c.与其认证机构保持联系,由 CUC 确认已采取适当措施纠正不符合项

上一章: SVCOC认证咨询|生产与贸易每年按时完成年度续证保持持续合规
下一章: SRCCS认证辅导|轻微不符合项在特定的情况允许两年内纠正
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