
发布时间: 2024-08-31
阅读人数: 9

C2.4Emissions to Air C2.4废气排放
C2.4a The Certified Organization shall meet all relevant legal requirements (including monitoring) related to air emissions, with corresponding record keeping.
C2.4a 认证组织应遵守有关空气排放的所有法律要求(含监测),并做相应的记录。
C2.4b Relevant, up-to-date permits shall be held and compliance maintained. C2.4b 应保持相关的最新许可证,并遵守合规性。
C2.4c An inventory of main point source emissions to air shall be maintained and potential for fugitive emissions shall be addressed.
C2.4c 应保留主要排放源清单,并解决潜在的易散性排放。
C2.4d There shall be regular maintenance of any equipment containing Ozone Depleting Substances or any other potential air pollutants.
C2.4d 定期维护含有消耗臭氧层物质或任何其他潜在空气污染物质的设备。
C2.4e The Certified Organization shall set and meet targets for meaningful improvements in emissions to air and review progress annually.
C2.4e 认证组织应制定并满足废气改善目标,并且每年审查进展情况。

C2.5Waste management C2.5废物管理
C2.5a The facility shall meet all relevant legal requirements related to waste management.
C2.5a   设施应符合有关废物管理的所有法律规定。
C2.5b Relevant, up-to-date permits shall be held and compliance maintained. C2.5b 应保持相关的最新许可证,并遵守合规性。
C2.5c Waste contractors shall have appropriate permits.
C2.5c 废物承包商应持有相应的许可证。
C2.5d Hazardous and non-hazardous waste shall be segregated and employee awareness and training provided on handling and segregation of wastes.
C2.5d 对危险废物和非危险废物进行隔离,并针对废物的处理和隔离向员工提供培训。

C2.5e Inventory, management, storage and transportation procedures for all waste streams shall be in place, including minimizing safety concerns to the environment and health.
C2.5e 所有废物的库存、管理、储存和运输程序应到位,并尽量减少对环境和健康的安全影响。
C2.5f No on-site waste burning or uncontrolled waste landfilling may be undertaken.

C2.5f    不得进行现场废物燃烧或不受控制的垃圾填埋。
C2.5g The Certified Organization shall look for and implement ways to minimize waste production, and increase re-use or recycling.
C2.5g 认证组织应寻找并实施减少废物产生的方法,并增加再利用或回收利用。
C2.5h The Certified Organization shall measure the amount of waste produced and keep corresponding records.
C2.5h 认证组织应对生产废弃物的数量进行统计并保存相应记录。
C2.5i The Certified Organization shall set and meet targets for meaningful reductions in waste production, improvements in waste management, and review progress annually.

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